
MSPro (Markus Schmidt.PRO) web-services documentation

All information is preliminary and subject to changes.

MSPro.Services are a useful set of REST web-services which were initially built to improve Boomi Integration functionality. All endpoints can be accessed on the following parameters:


The credentials above are linked to SharedAccount, which can be used by anyone who wants to test and use the services. All data under SharedAccount is shared!

Data is secured and separated using Accounts.

All users using the same Account share their data. Means anyone under the same account can access it.

A username + token is assigned to an Account when you register for access: Markus @

If you register for a dedicated Account all your data is secured with and stored under that account (private). There is no way to access data in different accounts, neither can you exchange data between accounts. An account is a boundary and there is no way to cross this.

Last updated