The Components Set file is resolved as follows: {SetDir}{SetName}\cSet.JsonC
The is set relative to the folder where the cSet.JsonC is located.
COMP DOC /s DEMO_Service
Create a documentation (incl. for a Components Set.
More arguments
Default = Packages
The directory where to look for package files (e.g. iPack.jsonc). Unless you specify an absolute path, the directory is relative to /ProjectDir. The directory must exist, it is not created automatically!
Default = Lib,Lib\Shared,Work
Support Multiple
Specify a list of relative search folders (relative to /PackageDir) where to look for packages. Use this to keep your packages in pre-defined folders.
If you store, for example, you packages in the Workfolder in the /PackageDir packages are resolved by their name: /p FWK (the folder name is enough because the package file has the default name: iPack.jsonc).