The Command-Line Mission

I have been using many different command-line packages but none of them satisfied my needs.

Plug-In concept for Verbs

I wanted to have to ability to automatically resolve new verbs. Implement the verb's functionality in its own Assembly and use it without changing or adding something in my void Main(). Sample-Code / Sample-Project

Support multiple Verbs

I wanted to support multiple verbs, to support commands and subcommands, like SayHello, SayHello Germany, ... .

Sample-Code / Sample-Project

Parameter class that support sub-classes and inheritance

class Parameters : BaseParameters
    public Connection DbConnection { get; set; }

    [OptionDescriptor("DatabaseTableName", "t", Required = false)]
    public string DatabaseTableName { get; set; }

Sample-Code / Sample-Project

Minimum code while having maximum flexibility

Zero Code: Commander.ExecuteCommand(args); - if you want.

Sample-Code / Sample-Project

Static and dynamic (dependend) default values

I wanted to have static default values for arguments (during compile-time, by annotation) and also dynamic defaults, resolved during run-time when a default value may depend on another (provided) value.

Sample-Code / Sample-Project

What's next?

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