Link a help page
Last updated
Last updated
Use-Case: As I developer, I am using a Boomi REST connector in my current process and I wanted to have the Boomi REST connector documentation at hand.
Login to Boomi AtomSphere and open you current process
Open the REST Client connector help page on a second Tab
On the REST Connector help page being the active Tab, click on Linked-Pages for Boomi Integration
Linked-Pages for Boomi Integration reads the current Boomi Account and the open Component from the Boomi Tab, and displays its information. Component types and names are only displayed if you have configured a Boomi AtomSphere Token.
Click on [Link this page to the current component], close the REST Client connector help page, and go back to you Boomi process.
If you need help, while working on the process, click Linked-Pages for Boomi Integration and select the Boomi Documentation help page.