Support for main process, sub processes and process routes
If you do not use ExecutionTask you can live with the defaults - as I have done for four years. Skip this page!
Recently I came accross a script that used the following code with ExecutionTask :
ExecutionTask currentProcessExecution = ExecutionManager.getCurrent() "*** Script hosting process name : " + currentProcessExecution.getProcessName())
ExecutionTask t = currentProcessExecution
while( t.getParent() != null) t = t.getParent() "*** Top-Process Name : " + t.getProcessName())
// *** Script hosting process name : subPr.subProcess_01_01
// *** Top-Process Name : Custom Main Process
The Basics
A script is hosted in a process. This process can be a sub-process of another process(es).
For example:
Main Process calls (Level -2)
subProcess01 routes to (Level -1)
subPr.subProcess_01_01, where the script runs on! (Level 0)
refer to the script's (hosting) process.
What you need to undestand is, that each process execution has its own ExecutionTask object with different properties, and you can traverse up the hierarchy using the getParent() method.
+ ExecutionTask Properties - Level=0
- Is Top-Level = false
- Id = execution-59f72f67-95ed-4917-8c54-8d3a3c5f2b02-2024.06.26
- Execution Id = execution-59f72f67-95ed-4917-8c54-8d3a3c5f2b02-2024.06.26
- Process Name = subPr.subProcess_01_01
- Process Id = 6a3bfa82-997a-4842-8b6b-1362e07016dc
- Component Id = 6a3bfa82-997a-4842-8b6b-1362e07016dc
- Start Time = 1719397726865
+ ExecutionTask Properties - Level=1 - bottom (=0) up to top-level
- Is Top-Level = false
- Id = execution-d41b8cd6-0c92-4edd-9452-77ac20499071-2024.06.26
- Execution Id = execution-d41b8cd6-0c92-4edd-9452-77ac20499071-2024.06.26
- Process Name = subProcess01
- Process Id = 2b626af5-4bec-422b-a9ec-a6d0a15090e8
- Component Id = 2b626af5-4bec-422b-a9ec-a6d0a15090e8
- Start Time = 1719397726637
+ ExecutionTask Properties - Level=0 - bottom (=0) up to top-level
- Is Top-Level = false
- Id = execution-59f72f67-95ed-4917-8c54-8d3a3c5f2b02-2024.06.26
- Execution Id = execution-59f72f67-95ed-4917-8c54-8d3a3c5f2b02-2024.06.26
- Process Name = Custom Main Process
- Process Id = 6a3bfa82-997a-4842-8b6b-1362e07016dc
- Component Id = 6a3bfa82-997a-4842-8b6b-1362e07016dc
- Start Time = 1719397726865
How to define a process call hierarchy in a Test
import msPro.scriptease.*// Important
ProcessScriptContext context = new ProcessScriptContext(
inputDocuments: [ ...],
// Override to test process chains
processCallChain : [
new ProcessExecutionProperties( "Custom Main Process"),
new ProcessExecutionProperties( "subProcess01"),
new ProcessExecutionProperties( "subPr.subProcess_01_01")
Process Id (=Component Id) are set to a randowm Guid by default. This can be overridden in the ProcessExecutionProperties constructor.
StartTime and executionId are set a atuomatically.