Single Record RES
The response profile in case of any non http-200 response for single record requests.
Mandatory fields are non-null and they always contain a value.
Nothing to say about that. The only thing: use UTC date/time because API clients may sit in a different time-zone than the server.
A unique ID that is written to the logs. If a user gets an error message he can pass the traceID to the support person, so that the supporter has a unique reference to the logs. Example: 5AF2-79BC
This message can / should be displayed to the user. It contains high level information and some advice for the user what to do to solve that situation.
Optional fields can be empty (null).
The use of the following fields is optional in the sense that they
are always part of the profile, but they
are used or not depending on the endpoint definition.
[OPTIONAL] The root cause contains more technical details which should not be displayed to the user, but to a support person or admin. For security reasons, it is not always a good idea to send this message back to the client. So, you may decide to not include this message into the response. Example: "SQL Error when updating a contact: lastname must not be null."
[OPTIONAL] A numeric error code a numeric error code whose values depend each endpoint's definition.
[OPTIONAL] Client reference data is something that the client has provided in the request and that is passed back in the response. This field is part of the response profile. However, if and how it is used depends on each endpoint's definition.
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