Script Header

  • Do start scripts with a header.

The header contains general information about the script’s functionality. It describes the input parameters and the expected results. Simply follow documentation guidelines as they exist for any programming language, like Java, C#, Python, Dart, …

In addition, and very important, the header contains a change history with the abbreviation of the editor and the date when the change was introduced.

  • Do skeep this header up to date, especially when you modify a script from someone else.

-- ==============================================
-- Get AccountType by UserID
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Description bla, bla
-- Input:
--   1: @UserID        - An ADUserID with or without the domain ''
-- Returns:
--    The user's account typeas a string: "Personal" | "Corporate"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 2022-05-24   msc -   Fixed return value typo
-- 2022-05-20   msc -   Created
-- ======================================================================