MSPro Services

External services to extend the functionality of Boomi


Intermediate storage of documents between process runs

For integration processes a very important functionality is to persist documents between process runs. For example, if you import data (files) from an sFTP server you want to 'park' their records (documents) so that another, downstream process can process them further.

-> Intermediate Storage

The intermediate storage acts as a cache where you can maintain the status of each record while it is beeing processed asynchrounusly from different processes: import -> validate -> process -> respond.

Result messages can be collected and respondend back to the sender (see #render-an-html-document-using-data-from-a-document).

Render an HTML document

Render data to make it look good for a human reader is something that is required in many cases. For example, rendering a well-formatted HTML e-mail is a use-case that Boomi wasn't built for (Report Engine).

-> Render Templates

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