Display Help

Displaying Application or specific Command help

Getting help is for free. Means: CLArgs takes care and displays appropriate help information when requested, based on the provided descriptions.

If you run the app without any parameter, a list of all available commands (verbs) is displayed.

> Demo2App 

2 Commands available:
Verb                Description
MATH SUB            Subtract two integer values.
MATH ADD            Add two integer values.

If you specify a particular Commands follwed by /? explicit help for this command is displayed.

> Demo2App MATH ADD /?

MATH ADD            Add two integer values.
/Value1             Tags=a1,a required
                    The first addend or the minuend.
                    DEFAULT: '0'

/Value2             Tags=a2,b required
                    The second addend or the subtrahend.
                    DEFAULT: '0'

Help with line-breaks

In the case your helpText is a bit more detailed, you can use line breaks. Simply insert the | character anywhere in your text. It'll be replaced by a line-break.

    "Subtract two integer values."
    + "|I have decided to provide a bit more details, to demonstrate explicit line-breaks. "
    + "together with an extra long text that will be wrapped after 80 characters by default. ")]
public class SubCommand : CommandBase2<AdditionContext>
{ ...

By default, help text starts at column 20 and it wraps at column 80, unless you specify a hard-break, using |. See also Settings how to control line and column width.

MATH SUB            Subtract two integer values.
                    I have decided to provide a bit more details, to demonstrate
                    explicit line-breaks. together with an extra long text that
                    will be wrapped after 80 characters by default.

Last updated