Demo5 - Logging and printing

By default, there is no logging enabled. You may use any loggin you want, using the Microsoft builder pattern:

var builder = CommandHostBuilder.Create(commandline);
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
    services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder =>
    { ...

How to enable logging with NLog

Personally, I am using NLog for many years. So, lets demo how to use NLog.


  1. Create a nlog.config file and cadd it to your project (see Demo5)

    1. Set Copy to Output directory

  2. Add NuGet packages

    1. NLog

    2. NLog.Extensions.Logging

  3. Fix your Main() and add logging

services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder =>

Use logging in your Commands

Logging is injected into your Command using dependency injection.

As defined in nlog.config DEBUG messages go to the log file logs\demo5.log, while INFO messages are printed on the Console.

public Mult2Command(
    IServiceProvider serviceProvider, 
    ILogger<Mult2Command> logger) : base(serviceProvider)
        _logger = logger;
    protected override void Execute()
        _logger.LogDebug($"Serialized Context='{JsonSerializer.Serialize(Context)}'");
        decimal result = this.Context.Factor1 * this.Context.Factor2;
        _logger.LogInformation($"{this.Context.Factor1} * {this.Context.Factor2} = {result}");

Console logging

> demo5app MATH MULT2 /f1=5,43 /f2=7,54
Demo05 - Logging and Printing
Mult2Command   : 5,43 * 7,54 = 40,9422

File Log

The file log is configured to save all DEBUG messages, which include MSPro.CLArgs. messages

2022-08-24 15:40:55.0750|DEBUG|   5|MSPro.CLArgs.CommandHost|'MATH.MULT2'->Mult2Command|
2022-08-24 15:40:55.0940|DEBUG|   5|MSPro.CLArgs.CommandHost|Verb:MATH|
2022-08-24 15:40:55.0940|DEBUG|   5|MSPro.CLArgs.CommandHost|Verb:MULT2|
2022-08-24 15:40:55.0940|DEBUG|   5|MSPro.CLArgs.CommandHost|Option:f1=5,43|
2022-08-24 15:40:55.0940|DEBUG|   5|MSPro.CLArgs.CommandHost|Option:f2=7,54|
2022-08-24 15:40:55.0940|DEBUG|   5|MSPro.CLArgs.CommandHost|Target:|

2022-08-24 15:40:55.1832|DEBUG|   5|Mult2Command   |Serialized Context='{"Factor1":5.43,"Factor2":7.54}'|
2022-08-24 15:40:55.1832|INFO |   5|Mult2Command   |5,43 * 7,54 = 40,9422|

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