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The first question that might come up is: "Where can I get test data?" that is needed to debug and test my script? The answer is simple as that: run your process, and grab the documents that hit the - not yet developed - Data-Process Shape which is going to host the script.
Imaging, you have a process that executes a Business-Rule and you want to serializes the Business-Rule XML results into a plain string. You want to develop a script for that XML conversion purpose, and you need test data.
Temporarily add a Stop-Shape where you want to insert the script.
Run your process.
Copy and paste as many documents as you need from the Stop-Shape,
and save each document as a file
in your script's testData
folder, in you project directory.
In your Test class read the documents from file:
Note: The _testfiles
object has been created on the class level, and it point to testFiles directory, relative to the Test file location.
If you test on a local machine, using your local ATOM, you can use the testData directly from your ATOM. Copy the testData's full-path, which is probably: %UserProfile%\Documents\GroovyTraining.
Setup a generic (empty) Disk v2 connector:
Create a generic query Disk v2 operation:
Amend your Test-Process to read test data from disk:
The SetProperties Shape sets the testData directory and it defines
DDP_FileFilter = *.json
The dynamic document property is then used in the Disk v2 operation: matchWildcard parameter.
That is it! Your Boomi test process and your local test script share the same test data.
IMPORTANT: It is important that you execute the process on your local ATOM, please. A cloud or a customer ATOM normally does not have access to your local disk drive and folder!
Good practices for the use of test data