Referenced Components
A component, like a process or a map, reference other components. Boomi distinguishes between dependent and independent references.
A dependent reference means, that the referenced component is packaged and deployed with its parent component. The parent component (package) is incomplete, without its dependent components.
An independent reference exist when a component references anoth component that is packaged and deployed separetely. For example, a Process Route and the destination sub process are independent references.
Referenced Component Versions
Independent references contain only the ComponentId of the target component - ni version. This is because the target is independently deployed and must exist on the target environment. The target resolution takes place during run-time, when the deployed target component is resolved.
Dependent components are resolved when the component package is created. At that moment, all dependent components are resolved including their current version, to be added to the package. Dependent components are resolved at a specific moment in time, and at this time, and the versions of the referenced components are defined at this point in time.
If you run the same resolution at a later time, a child component might have changed and a newer version of it would be referenced.
The said is also true when you are building a documentation page. When you build the documentation specific versions of each child component are referenced and used in the documentation.
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