The Components Set JsonC file
The structure of a Component Package JSON file
Last updated
The structure of a Component Package JSON file
Last updated
A Components Set is a JsonC
file, which is a Json file that allows Comments.
If you followed the recommended Installation and Setup procedure, you will find two example JsonC in your Workspace:
A Package consists of three main parts:
Dependencies are not supported right now, as of v 4.2.0
1 Header
1..n Components
0..n Dependencies
Not much to say about the Header
. Just: it is for your information, only. The intention of the header is descriptive and whatever you put there, it is ok!
Don't use line breaks in any string. Quotes should be on the same line, always!
stands for Description Array to support multiple lines in a description. (JSON does not support multi line strings.)
This is the main section where you refer to the components you want to use in the Package. The component is referenced by its ComponentId
. Optional, but recommended, is the component's name as the Hint
, for better readability.
During run-time AtomShpere Components may require other Components to run properly, like process routes or API Components.
If you deploy an API Component, all referenced process must be deployed and versioned separately. This can be a pain, to ensure that all referenced processes are always deployed properly when the API changes.
The good thing is, a Component Package supports nested /child packages that inherit the settings of its parent.
A component supports multiple properties. A parent component inherits its properties to its children, unless a child overrides it.
If set to true the component (and all its children) will be deployed - recognized by DEPLOY EXEC command. Default: true.
Please notice, child components inherit the properties from their parent component, unless they explicitly specify their own property.
Dependencies refer to other Packages. Dependencies are useful if you want to use library packages or if you want to create one deployment package at the end of the Sprint, for example, that references multiple other Packages, one from each developer - consolidate work packages.
see Default: dependent