BoomiConsole is built on CLArgs and it supports help on the command-line.
Command overview
Open a console windows and run .\bc without any argument and you will get an overview of all available commands:
*** BoomiConsole v3.11.8718.32154 .. Start ***
15 Commands available:
Verb Description
Project Configure Create, update and configure your Boomi-Console project settings.
Print DeploymentTask Print a deployment task based on a template.
Info Account AtomSphere API - Account Info
Detailed command descriptions
If you want to know more about a specfic command and its supported parameters,
run: .\bc <command> help:
.\bc Info Account /help
Info Account AtomSphere API - Account Info
/ProjectDir Tags=r,root optional
Specify the /ProjectDir that contains the bc.workspace.json.
All other directories are relative to that directory.
DEFAULT: <currentDirectory>
/OutDir Tags=o optional
The output root directory. All other output directories are
relative to this directory.
DEFAULT: 'out'